Saturday, June 30, 2007

New Blog Game

I visited Bobby and Lisa's blog tonight and decided to see what that heart beat looking thing was and figure out that it is a matching game so I clicked and played, and played so I put one on our blog. So far the fewest clicks that I have done to complete the matches is 72. See if you can beat mine. Have fun. I like how the eyes follow the cursor.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Niabi Zoo

Today we went to the Niabi Zoo with some friends. Free Passes!! Thanks Ms. Ruth. anyways the kids were bouncing off the walls. They were so excited. Niabi Zoo is very different from Clinch Park Zoo. There's Lions, Tigers, and Bears, oh my! The lions were taking a siesta when we went by so you will see them sleeping. The Lorakeet birds were very fun but it was raining poop in the bid house and they screeched so bad Riley was freakin' a little bit. But the birds would land on you and drink the nectar right from the little cup. The fuzzy white looking birds pictured below are Silkie Chickens, very beautiful. We are looking forward to going back in July to see the Giraffes.

Niabi Zoo Pix 2

We have many more pictures but I'm sure you can tell when had a lot of fun.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Super Heros Sightings

We had special guests for supper the other night. They flew in special for a meatloaf and mashed potatoes supper. You see in the Super Hero World my meatloaf and mashed potatoes are famous and so we were honored to have "Super Binky Girl" and "Karate Kid Riley" to join us. The only problem is they forget they are not suppose to jump off the couch in order to fly. They have super powers: "Super Binky Girl" can throw her binky to knock out bad guys, and "Karate Kid Riley" takes out the bad guys by karate chopping them. So if you see a pink blanky or a blue quilt flying through the air watch out for a flying binky or a karate chop. They are often sighted in parks and at Walmart so beware.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Not Growing Like Weeds Growing Like Corn

This weekend is Grandma DeLay's birthday, she is be 85 yrs. I believe, so I was trying to think of a good place to take a picture of the kids. So I came up with taking their picture in front of a corn field. When we were in Michigan we missed Iowa corn. There is nothing like a roasted ear of corn dipped in melted butter and a Hy-Vee butterfly pork chop sandwich. From the Mississippi Valley Fair. Now that is good eats. You know the old saying, "Knee by the fourth of July"? Well, Iowa corn always supersedes that statement. So here's what Dav., IA corn looks like in town off of Fairmount near the Library. I'm sure the further out of town the bigger it is. I also measured the kids for comparison. Riley is 51 in. and Cheyenne is 35 in. tall. The corn was at least a foot or so above Riley's head. Today is also one of those days you can hear the corn growing. It is about 93 degrees and 57 % humidity. Our gas prices are about $2.76/ gal. in Davenport. Dave was in Iowa City today and gas there is $3.09/gal. (45 min. away). Not that gas has anything to do with corn, just thought you'd like to know.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Riley & The Young Entrepreneur's Market

Today we participated in the "Young Entrepreneur's Market" at the Bettendorf Family Museum. This was open to all youth ages 5 -16. We basically could sell whatever we wanted. The point was to teach kids about selling, marketing and merchandising. We took some toys, books, and crafts that I made. We did pretty well. We left early because of rain, but we were out there for about 2 hrs. Channel 6 News came with Fran Riley and a camera man. They videoed our booth and asked Riley for an interview and Riley of course was all for it. It had started raining and Riley had his umbrella up and was spinning it around when BAMMM! Hit Fran Riley in the face with one of the spokes and off flew his glasses and across the parking lot they went. They flew a least two parking spaces. I went and got his glasses mortified and apologetic. Fran is pretty well blind without those glasses we discovered. Anyways I about died. So Riley was interviewed, and just like I was afraid of he clammed up, I think the questions were too spur of the moment for a seven year old, then Fran said so mom looks like cat's got his tongue and began interviewing me. Needless to say terror went through me, not because of being scared of what to say ( I can talk any time to any one about anything, just ask me I'll tell ya.), but that I came dressed for a garage sale not a news interview. Hair wet, rain spots all over my glasses, a Stetson construction t-shirt I swiped from Dave's side of the closet and a pair of shorts (Thank God I shaved my legs, just kidding). Frompy! Afterwards Riley said, " looks doesn't matter mom". Yea, right they don't matter until your 38 yrs. old and dressed like an old hag on local tv.
I looked like the lady that you usually see on the news that exclaims they never expected the flood that floods their house every year on the Rock River, minus the curlers and her neighbors casserole dish she forgot to return. If I get edited out it will be okay. Hopefully Riley's interview will air.

Missionaries from Alaska Visit Edgewood

Wednesday evening we had The Mikulski's, Missionaries from Alaska at Church. I love it when Missionaries come and share what God is doing in their part of the world. They live in Nome, Alaska. Their Church is Bible Baptist Church of Nome. The congregation is about 40 - 60 people depending on the season. They live on the Bering Sea. Which perked up Riley's ears. We watch "Deadliest Catch" on the Discovery Channel about crab fishing and the Bering Sea is often spoke out. There is a boy in their church who wants to be baptized in the Bering Sea. Mr. Mikulski said the water temp. is probably 42 degrees. The ice just recently melted away. Says usually the Bering Sea is frozen from December till May. Some other interested facts we learned was that the longest day in Alaska is about 23 hours of day light and the shortest day is 3 hours and 45 min. of day light. Their usual snowfall at a time is 36 -60 inches., never have a green Christmas there. They said when they left Alaska it was 45 degrees and the gas prices were about $4.29/gal. (I think we have nothing to complain out). At the question and answer time they asked us questions to see how much we knew about Alaska and gave out Fool's Gold nuggets to those who were right or closest. I won a nugget for guessing the weight of the largest head of cabbage. My guess was 100 lbs. and the actual weight of the lrg. cabbage head is 98 lbs. His message was from the book of Acts and how people come up with excuses as to why they shouldn't accept Christ and that no matter what people say, "I don't have time for that stuff", "I'm almost persuaded", and "your crazy". That we must pray on and keep on sharing the gospel. Something else that stuck out to me was what he said about "Global Warming" he says he doesn't believe that it should be called "Global Warming" but "Spiritual Warning". The Bible does tell us the weather and such will change and give as warning to the Rapture. I liked that. I always shake my head when people start talking about Global Warming, people get so obsessed, but I agree, in all actuality it is Spiritual Warning and people are going to miss God's Warning and not be ready. I hope that if you haven't taken the time to know God that you will make the time, be persuaded, no I'm not crazy, I'm radically saved. Know that it is much more than being a good person and doing the "right things". God wants your heart not your works.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lincoln Park Rock Island, IL

Monday morning the kids and I went to Lincoln Park in Rock Island. It was a beautiful morning, we had a break in the weather. We had a brief shower but the breeze was cool and we enjoyed being outside and not melting. The uasual gang was there and a few new faces. It was a fun morning.

Dave's Birthday

Dave turned 42 yrs. old on Monday. We had planned to have a water balloon fight at a park, but the weather was a little questionable. So we spent a quiet evening at home. We had dinner and a chocolate cake with choc. frosting. We all snuggled on the couch and watch "RV" one of our favorite movies. We stayed up late and just had a nice quiet evening at home. Yes, the kids were quiet. That doesn't happen very often. the feet picture is a tradition we started Father's Day after Riley was born. It's silly we know, but that what we do.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

DeLay Family Day

Today was "Daddy's Choice". We went to the Moving Wall that is 80% scale of the Memorial to the VietNam War Soilders who died, over 58,000. There were also Memorials to all the Wars fought by American's and a Memorial to those of 9-11 and Iragi Freedom. After the Moving Wall Memorial we went to Surgis on the River.Sturgis is a culture all of it's own. I was hoping to see some really
uniquely customized bikes but we only saw a couple. Of course ther were hundreds of Harley's, some Honda's and others. We saw one "crotch rocket" type bike (lam-o). It was like a huge biker flee market. Not appropriate for children, definitely a "Rated R" event. To many body parts on display and lots of offensive language on signs, shirts, etc. We didn't stay long because our kids were getting a bad education. I mistakenly thought it would be different not that I expected a "family oriented" atmosphere,but it was definitely not a place for a nice family outting. It was awefully hot like 95+ degrees. We left and it was daddy's choice for lunch. So we went to Uncle Pete's in Moline. The best Gyro's in the world! We went for a long drive out to Princeton to see the old shooting range that Dave and his 'buds' use to hangout at. Nice ride along the river. Found an awesome Candy Factory store in LeClaire, a must see if you enjoy old time candy and chocolate to die for. It was 101 degrees in LeClaire. We had a lot of fun today, but boy were we wiped out. I'm getting a pretty good tan...on my feet and ankles. Never had a tan on my feet andankles, otherwise I'm still shockingly white. Of course Dave and the kids are tanning.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Putt-Putt Fun

Tonight we went to Little Mississippi Minature Golf with our Sunday School Class. Dave won in our family with a 56. The best score in the group was a 43. We tried to get Cheyenne to follow the rules some what, that was useless, but we had a good time. Not as chanlleging as Pirates Cove in T.C. though. Afterwards we went for ice cream at Whitey's. We had to cut the evening short though and come home and get the kids in bed for church tomorrow.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Dave's follow-up appt. for burn.

Dave had an appointment yesterday to checkup on his burn. The doctor was very encouraged and said it is doing very well. Just about 95% of the blackened area is gone. Still has some drainage though. He goes back in a week. The doctor thinks another couple weeks and Dave will be great. Dave was in a lot of pain though last night because the nurses didn't dress the wound like I do so he was losing circulation in his leg and the pads came off and so his wound was exposed to his jeans. I told him no one can take care of him like ME. His medication that I have to apply to his wound has actually been helping my eczema (an added bonus). Thanks for your prayers.

Family Museum

Today we went to the Family Museum in Bettendorf, Iowa. It was "Free Day" and that is my favorite price. The kids had a really good time. They love going to the museum. This is obviously a picture of Riley pretending to pump gas and Cheyenne is at the wheel. So gas here is $2.99 / gal. which is down, YEAH!! We made family crest pictures, Riley and Cheyenne each made a Newspaper headlining them as Whale Rescuers, Riley used to crane to load and off load building materials, we played music, and generally ran around. I was tired. So on the way home we saw that Webers Meat was having a cookout, never been there so thought we would give it a try. Ok, I am not one for hotdogs by choice only by necessity. Well Riley and I each had a hotdog, and I can honestly that was the best hotdog I have ever had, Riley agrees. Cheyenne ate chips so she really doesn't care. So tonight we are expecting some storms to roll through. It's about 83 degrees which doesn't sound too bad but the humidity is bad. The winds though are rough enough to blow my children over and is suppose to get worse tonight. We also went to the Library today and I signed the kids up for the summer reading program. i got a special book for bedtime reading, "Dust for Dinner" it is about the "dust bowl" and the great depression, I thought it would be appropriate for the storm tonight.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Family Update

This past Sunday Dave and I went forward at the end of the service and re-instated our membership at Edgewood Baptist Church.

It is amazing how God works. I had signed up to help with "Super Saturday" which is like VBS in a way, but one Saturday a month during the summer. Anyways the Christian Education Director was falling behind with this years schedule and so after the first meeting for SuperSaturday I went to her about my experience with VBS at East Bay. She said God had brought in at the right time and so I am now leading the crafts for Super Saturday. I am very excited about it. I've had the books one day and already have everything planned for the summer. Click on "Edgewood Baptist Church" under "Our Church" to see our church. There is a picture of us sitting in our Sunday School Class. Our Sunday School Teacher is Pastor Andy who strikes a pose like a muscle man.

The update on Dave's burn is that it is doing better. It looks aweful but is healing slowly. He still has pain issues at times but doesn't use the narcotics anymore. We are doing dressing changes twice a day. The Lord as been faithful. Thanks for the prayers. He only missed one day of work. We go back to the Wound Clinic this Wednesday for a check-up.

Riley is wanting to get baptized. We talked about it and he wants my dad to baptize him when he comes for a visit in August.

We went to Dave's neices wedding this weekend. I have picture of the bride and groom and other family pictures but they are locked in the camera until I get a cord to download them since they are in the cameras memory instead of on the chip.

Take Care.

Riley's last day of school

Friday, June 1, 2007. Riley's last day of school so to speak. We finished school early and went for a picnic at Middle Park in Bettendorf, IA.. We were the only people there and i found out why quickly there were thousands if not millions of tiny red, white and black bug pouring out of the wood chips like lava. YUCK!! So we left quickly and i checked the children for any tagalongs of unwanted bugs. So we went back to VanDeVeer Park in Davenport. We ate lunch in the
car. We were at
VanDeVeer long enough for a huge
storm to
move in. We made it home just as the big show started. We snuggled on the couch and watched "Racing Strips" Cheyenne was a basket case and was buried into my side. Riley was cheering on God as the thunder cracked and lightening flashed. We prayed for God's protection, and for God to protect daddy, then Cheyenne and I fell asleep. It was rock'n and roll'n out side. Apparently the tornado sirens went off and we were snuggling and watching a movie. Found out later that just 30 - 50 miles from here was a F2 - F3 tornado causing a lot of damage. Here in Davenport was street flooding and there were pictures on the new of water over half way up the tires of cars driving on nearby roads in town. Just across the river in Moline there were cars at the mall submerged under water. Some of the excitement for those of you who don't live here was in Muscatine the Walmart store lost it's 6,000+ lb air handler from the roof on to the hood of a toyota pickup truck parked in the parking lot. A car at the Toyota Dealer flew from the used car lot to the new car lot and landed on top of a new car. Houses were completely wiped off the foundation. Pretty bad stuff. Emergency crews had a very hard time getting into Muscatine and Fruitland because of tree and powerline that were down. To see some of the pictures that I described view our friends blog the "Christison's" to see the pictures they took. Their name is listed on the left side of our blog under "Our Friends". So need
less to say we are very greatful for God's protection.