Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Christmas Eve Eve we went out for dinner and drove around Davenport to look at the lights. We came upon a street that had a line of cars and big flashes of light so we waited in line too. We saw several limos and wondered what all the excitement was. The house that everyone was in line to watch was decked out with many lights and yard decorations that flashed to the music on a posted radio station. It was lots of fun to watch and the kids loved it. By the time we got home both the kids were passed out in the back seat.

Christmas Eve both Dave and I had to work a half a day. Afterwards we all came home and got ready for church. We went to the Christmas Eve service. It was practically standing room only. We have two services on Sundays so it's not that often that both overflows are open and packed.
Seven people were baptized, Pastor read the Christmas Story from the Bible. We then had communion another song and we were out the
door in 27 minutes flat. We went and looked at lights in Rock Island and Moline.

I have to tell you a funny. When we were taking communion I was praying with Riley. He and I took took communion together. Riley accepted the Lord as Saviour when he was 4 yrs. old, but we didn't allow him to take communion until he was 6yrs. and I always review with him why and what we are doing to be sure that he understands the importance in what he is doing. Well when we got in the car he said , "Hey , mom that was like my 2nd or 3rd time to take immunity". I laughed I thought it was cute, then I said,"Riley it's com-mun-ion". "Oh yeah mom, sorry!"

So Christmas morning Dave and I attempted to sleep in. The kids were up at 5:30 a.m. Dave put in a movie and came back to bed. Finally at 7:00 a.m. we got up and we started opening presents. Now for some reason i can't get the pictures below to align correctly so bare with me.
The one with Cheyenne alone is of her with her Dora Backpack and the Caillou (sp?)movie. She LOVES Caillou! Dora is her second fave. Of course, the girl is all about backpack, bags, purses, loves, loves, loves that stuff. Riley got a Transformer fight game kind of like 'Rock'em Sockem and so Dave and Riley had to play. Every year I hide a green pickle ornament on the tree for them to find. The first one to find it wins a prize. This year the prize was a big box of M & M's. As you can see Dave won.

Well we hope that you all had a good Christmas and will have a great New Year. Remember to take Jesus with you.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Weekend in Altoona

Last weekend we went to Altoona, Iowa for
Dave's company party. We stayed at the
Adventure Land Hotel courtesy of Roger's
Automated Entrances. We had free baby
sitting, dinner Saturday night, along with some Karaoke. I sang "Good Bye Earl"( I
think that's the name) by the Dixie Chicks,
(I personally dislike the Dixie Chicks, but I thought I could sound like a dying cow too) with three other
women I had
just met that night. Our whole family received gifts. Sunday Cheyenne wanted to throw peenies int he water fountain, Riley was all about video games in the arcade. He had been saving some money just for that. Dave was all into too. Me was trying to not faint from being so hot holding all the coats and bags. My goal was to get o the craft show next door in Adventure Land. When it was finally me turn everybody pooped out on me and I had to shop by myself (oh, darn right? NOT!!!) It was a joy to sacrifice and let them rest while I did all the shopping and taking on the task of not missing one booth. It was a long task but exciting and very satisfying in the end. Dave drove the long way home while we all slept.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Merry Christmas From the DeLay's

Merry Christmas
from the DeLay Family.

Wishing you a
wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year.

Our Prayer is that if you don't know Christ as your personal Saviour that you would let this be the year that you come to Christ.

Please continue to read our blog, I have done a lot of blogging tonight.

Edgewood Baptist Church Ladies Christmas Party

This is a picture of a center piece that I made out of
candy canes for the Ladies Christmas Party.
Ladies in the church signed up to decorate the tables.
We had 31 tables of eight. I decorate in candy canes.
I gave each lady at my table a candy cane tree ornament
with a story about the candy cane attached.
Me and four other ladies on the Women's Ministry Team Lip Sync'd Jingle Bells in Spanish and English. We each had on sombros and fake mustaches. i played the tamborine, one played the guitar, and two play trumpets. I forgot to take my camera that night but it was great fun.

Cardiovascular Medicine Christmas Party

My office Christmas Party was at the Radison Hotel in Davenport.

1. Dan & Theresa - Theresa is the RN for Dr. Acosta and Dr. Kovach
2. Cedric & Lisa - Lisa is the "Rooming" Medical Assistant for both doctors.
3. Sean & Lori - Lori is the Clinical Supervisor of the Moline Office
4. Dave & Suzette - I am Dr. Acosta's Medical Assistant.
We had a lot of fun. Comic Sports was out entertainment, they were really funny. The food wasn't pretty good. The Dessert was AWESOME!!
I won a $10.00 gift card to Olive Garden (yummy!!).

Putting Up the Christmas Tree

Riley loves to put up the
Christmas tree. So that
was his job this year. All
by himself. Daddy stretched out on the
couch and rested and Riley do all the work.

I think he did a great job!

Thanksgiving 2007

On Thanksgiving Dave drove to
Cedar Rapids to pickup his mom .
We had the usual Thanksgiving
dinner. We watched "A Christmas
Story" and then we ate pie. Riley
got out his Memory Game so we played a couple of rounds of that
with Grandma. She had fallen
the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
Her left hand which you can't see in the picture was black all except for her fingertips all the way up to her elbow. It was blaker than most black people. She does a blood thinner so that is why it is so bad. She seemed to do pretty good that day though. The kids really enjoyed her.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Catching UP

You know I think I have too many passwords and junk like that to remember. It has been so long since I last added to the blog I forgot all my info. Anyways this morning I have figured it out just in time to have to leave for work. Anyways, a quick update. We are all good. The kids are excited about Christmas and the snow/ice that we have. For those of you that don't know we have a ice storm Monday. I don't think it was as bad as that thought. I got out of work early and Riley had no school. I hate ice storms but I love the beauty of the trees afterwards. 1000's of people were without power though. Well we must head out the door will post pictures next time I'm on. Have a great day.