Monday, March 31, 2008

March Activities

I have never been able to figure out how to get the pictures to move where I want them to go. So bare with me as I explain these pictures. First of all, I went back to work March 10, 2008. I've been doing very well. The first week I was tired but I can tell a huge difference now, I'm much better. So for the pictures... the first one is our Edgewood Baptist Sparks Team at Spark's O' Rama, March 8th The leaders are Dana & Kathy (rtl). Our team did very well we won first place. The kids were exhausted but they had a alot of fun. Riley is in the front row furtherest right. Riley has also finished his third Sparks book and received his Sparky Award Plaque. Our last night of AWANA is the AWANA Banquet April 23rd, so we are quickly winding down. The second picture is Riley pointing at his art picture at the Art Walk at school, March 17th. Picture number three is of the kids on Easter Sunday. It was very cold and snowy but we were able to snap a quick picture outside. Riley and I colored eggs on Easter and daddy made "The Stone Rolled Away Cinnamon Rolls". We went to church and had a great service. A firend from work came with us and she came again yesterday (Sunday). Today I am home with Riley, he is sick, vomitting. He got up this morning at 4:15 a.m. because he had a bad dream and felt sick to his stomach. Sent him to Daycare this morning before school and he got sick. I had just got to work when they called. I think he is asleep now on the couch. Actually I'm not feeling to swift myself. I got Dave's cold. I've been drinking lots of water and may take a nap too. I left Cheyenne at pre-school so Riley could rest. We are suppose to have severe thunderstorms all day today. It was raining, thundering and lighting pretty bad when I picked up Riley. Well that's our update for now. Take care!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Busy Day

So today started the usual way, Cheyenne and I took Riley to school. Instead of going home or going for a walk at the mall we went shopping for pre-school supplies. Yes, Cheyenne is starting pre-school Monday. The first picture is of her in her car seat with all her paraphernalia: her purse, blanket, teddy, of course her binky and she has to have her "shades", but prefers to wear them upside down. We went to Target for our shopping trip. The second picture is of Riley in the Young Reader's Program preforming "I'll Read to You, You Read to Me"

Cheyenne and I went to hear Riley read in the program. The third picture is of Riley and his reading partner Nick who took turns reading "A Great Big Cat". They did very well. Afterwards I signed Riley out of School and we went out to lunch at Rudy's Tacos. Then off to the doctors office for a physical. Riley is 53 1/4 in. (4'1" ft.) tall and weighs 61.6 lbs. Riley did have to get one shot for his immunizations. He was so worried about it and fighting with me and the nurse that he got his shot and it was over before he even knew the shot was over with. Then he laughed at him self for being so silly. He had a finger stick and had to pee in a cup too. He liked the peeing in a cup part. We finally made it home about 4:00 p.m.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

E-mail Up

The real update is below, under "email down". What a crazy situation. You know I like having a computer and the internet but sometimes it's a real pain. Anyways, look forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

E-Mail down

Okay, so after I updated the blog I tried to e-mail everyone to let you all know that we were back up, well I cannot e-mail from our yahoo account. Sometimes I wonder if it is really worth all the hassle, anyways I guess you will have to find this on your own. Do read below for the update on the family.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

DeLay Update

Our computer did something funky, about a month ago, we were afraid it crashed. We turned it off, unplugged it and let it sit for almost a month. We occasionally plugged it in and checked it and time after time nothing but a black screen with a flashing cursor did we ever get. I prayed and prayed and asked the Lord to fix our computer. One day Dave turn it on and it went into recovery mode and here we are. Praise GOD!!! So we are back. So since the last time I updated Cheyenne has turned 3 yrs. old. Riley has achieved his Bobcat badge in Boy Scouts. The flu bug found Dave and Riley.
As for me, Suzette, It has been a long road to getting back to health. I have had the stomach flu twice, I'm just getting over it the second time now. Surgery wise everything is fine if I could just stay well. I have been driving some. Nothing big, taking Riley to and from school mostly. i go to church when i can. I have missed a lot of church, don't like that. I have knitted until I am sick of knitting. I've done search word pages till I'm crossed eyed. The only fun thing that I've done is plan the crafts for Super Saturday's this summer at church. I've done a few outings. Had a date with Riley this past Saturday. We went to the John Deere Commons. Been going to the Sparks O'Rama practices with Riley. Harrison School had a Family Fun Night and we went to that. I go to the doctor next week and hopefully will be released to go back to work.

Took Cheyenne to the doctor today for a well child check. She is 3'1" and weighes 29.8 lbs. The NP told me she was too skinny, I told her I wasn't worried I am sure she will catch up. She had an immunization shot today and a finger stick and she did not cry once, didn't scream. She seemed more fanscinated by it. A very good patient she was. Riley goes FRiday for his well child check. He has been home two days this week because of vomitting hopefully it will be well enough for his physical and shots.
Dave has been awesome through all of this. Couldn't ask for a better caregiver. He has cooked, served, done laundry, completely done everything. I cannot believe how wonderful he has been.
Well I can't think of much else to say. It has been a long winter with lots and lots of snow and ice, actually been happy that I have not had to drive to work in all it. Looking forward to Spring.