Saturday, August 2, 2008

Spiritual Refreshment

Last night I went to a Church in Moline with some ladies from Church to Beth Moore's Living Proof Simulcast from Louisville, KY. It was AWESOME. We had CHURCH! I bought tickets over a month ago all excited to go. Last night i actually had to talk myself into going. It had been a rough week, lots of overtime this week. So I met some friend for dinner and that really made me feel better. The music was incredible, the worship was incredible. Beth spoke God's word and WOW! WOW! It has been a long, long time since I have wept before the Lord. I had goose bumps and was hot all at the same time. My tears were hot and has they rolled down me face, neck and chest I felt like the Holy Spirit was cleansing me. I could actually feel like I was being made white as snow again. Pure, forgiven, and uplifted. It was like my own personal revival. I wanted to stay the night at the Church so I could be there first things this morning ready to recevive what God has for me today. So I just had to share with you before I took off this morning for todays refreshment.