Saturday, August 18, 2007

PePaw and Grandma Lawrence Are Here

Mom and Dad have arrived. We are all very excited that they are here. They brought Riley a new backpack full of school supplies and Cheyenne got new crayons, paper and glue sticks. She loves the glue sticks. She has been glue crazy since. Since Pepaw and Grandma bought school supplies we were able to buy a couple new pairs of shorts for Riley. So I guess this is his "GQ look". Cheyenne rolls her hair every morning with grandma and her curlers. She thinks that's fun. I told her that she doesn't have to sleep in them like I did when I was a little girl. I had perfect banana curls when I was younger. Everday they get to put one hand in the bowl of changes and pull out as many coins as they can with one hand. They enjoy that. Riley has bought swimming googles with his so far. Miss Cheyenne has bought a new purse from the Salvation Army.

1 comment:

Ruth Christison said...

Miss Cheyenne looks great in curlers...tee hee So that is how princesses do it.