Saturday, August 4, 2007


Okay, I'm sure you are thinking what do these this picture have to do with each other. Nothing? Have you ever play the board game TriBond? I think most peolpe have, it's one of our favorites, especially if you have Dave Thiessen on your team. Anyways, since I have gone back to work and have been trying to ignore the antics of those around me. I have been really trying to focus more on God and his word and praying without ceasing. Then one day I was walking into work and saw the top picture of the leaf imprint in the cement, you can see the veins of the leaf and I thought what a great picture of how things impress me. The impression of the leaf in the cement impressed me. Then coming home from work I saw the demonstration on the corner of Kimberly and Brady Street supporting our troops and that impressed me. The fingernails with Pooh characters impressed me. Those gals at work obviously have left an impression on me. So no matter what impresses me good things or not so good things, they leave an impression. I got to thinking about the impression I am leaving on others. I don't want those people to think that I think I am better than they are because I think their behavior isn't unacceptable, I want to impress them instead with my life. A prayer that I wrote to keep me on track with God when I'm faced with impressive situations is:
Lord I pray you shield my heart not to stray when I'm down, Lord deafen my ears to words of the world that their foolishness will not be heard. Put blinders on my eyes to focus only on you. Lord let my life shine so that others may see you in me. Let me impress them.

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