Sunday, September 16, 2007

Old Fashioned Sunday

In the evening service at Church tonight we had a good old fashioned service. The first picture is of some friends of ours, the Huber Family (four of them are missing from the picture) who came dressed up in "old fashioned clothes". We didn't have any "old fashion" outfits to wear, but I took a picture of the kids anyways just because they are so cute. We sang some great old time music:
"I'll Fly Away", "Rock of Ages", "Give Me That Old Time Religion" (one of my favorites), "When We All Get To Heaven" (another fave), "Victory In Jesus" (another fave), "The Old Rugged Cross", "Are You Washed In the Blood" (another fave) and several more. We had a "Amen, Praise The Lord, Hallejuah" offering. The offering baskets were attached to long poles. Every time a dollar bill went in the offering basket, depending on the denomination of the bill the usher would say "Amen", "Praise The Lord", or "Hallejuah". If the money given by a person was over $20.00 the Usher acted like he passed out. It was a lot of fun, and we did have an Usher go down a couple of times. There was a Ladies Trio that sang, and a Men's Quartet. Pastor Brown preacher a sermon from the mid 1800's preached by D.L. Moody. The service was great. Afterwards we went to the multi. purpose facility and had a ice and pie social. I had a piece of peach pie and a piece of apple. Dave had pecan and peach plus we both ate ice cream. The kids only ate ice cream. There was a pie auction. There was like 18 pies auctioned. Some of them were: Strawbery Ruebarb that went for $100, Dutch Apple $100, Pecan $100, Sour Cream Apple $100, Black raspberry and red raspberry $60, Blueberry $60, Peaqch $50, and Cherry $50. Our bids were to little to when a pie. It was fun to watch the younger men bid against the old men of the church. All the money raised goes to our missions fund that is helping build an orphange in Romainia. We didn't win a pie so we just put our donation in the basket. Maybe we paid for a couple of bricks. None the less we had a great time.

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