Sunday, September 16, 2007

Saturday - Fejervary Park

Saturday was free day at Fejervary Park in Davenport. They are celebrating 102 yrs. of operations. We took a picnic lunch. I killed five bees duirng lunch. They were quite annoying and the kids were freskin' out. I drowned one in orange pop and one in applesauce. The bbes were kind of slow, it was pretty cool outside.
I think a turkey's face is one of the uglist faces, but ya got to love 'em.

Freshly laid eggs. Yummy!
The kids loved the music makers, the louder the better,
The Goose that the kids love.
i kept telling Riley that the pump didn't work, but he insisted on pumping, then suddenly there was water. Very funny to see Riley jump, ya had to be there,
Cheyenne getting brave to play with the geese.
Riley and Cheyenne petting the baby goat.
A praire dog enjoying his lunch

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