Saturday, June 14, 2008

Here comes the rain again...

The first picture is of LeClaire Park in April and the second picture is LeClaire Park In June.
Obviously I couldn't get as close as I did in the first picture. The flood waters had receded in since April and now the flooding is much worse now. A lot of downtown is blocked off.

This picture of the Figge Museum.

Dave thought it was funny to back into to the flooded parking lot and try to peel out. He thought he was going to get me wet but it didn't work.
This is at the Visitors Center downtown. The Center was sandbagged with a sub pump pumping out water.

I think the slogan goes...Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow nor shine shall keep the postman from his rounds. Didn't say flood though.
Just three miles from our townhouse we saw people with all their belongings at the side of the road for the trash men to pickup. Cars covered in mud up over the roof. Roads caked with mud. I was trying really hard not to cry. It was just devastating. Did not take pictures, thought that that would be heartless. Several streets of houses with mud caked streets, sub pumps pumping and furniture, mattress, and boxes a ruined items curb side.
Dave called his mom who lives in Cedar Rapids where the levy broke to see if she had been evacuated. She was still in her nursing home but that at one end of the hall way there were a couple rooms with water coming up through the floor. Dave's nephew Phillip and his pregnant wife Amy had to evacuate because of lack of access to their house and went to Clinton Iowa at her parents house. Amy is due in September. Dave's other niece Laura and her husband live in Ames, Iowa and she too is pregnant and due in December is pumping water from their basement.
We are okay. We went to the basement for a tornado warning Thursday night. We heard really loud wind and then the tornado siren went off and to the basement we went. Dave got the kids out of bed and we stayed in the laundry room for awhile. We had some seriously bad thunderstorms. The worst I've heard in a while. It was hard to sleep, wondering what was going on outside in the dark and hearing clash after clash of lightening and booming thunder. We prayed and sang "Jesus songs" as Riley would say. The Lord was with us and calmed us.

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